<aside> 💡 It’s a long long way together! Join the Journey!


7.1 Overview

The roadmap of Green Mining DAO provides a clear understanding of the company's trajectory from 2022 to 2027 to become the largest and most progressive community owned bitcoin mining ecosystem.

Starting with building the team and establishing the legal framework, the company aims to expand its mining facilities globally to +100 MW within 5 years, while also developing new subsidiaries that may operate as sub-DAOs with separate tokens for different mining facilities.

In addition, Green Mining DAO is committed to partnering with renewable energy providers, building partnerships with energy companies, and conducting research into sustainable mining equipment and new BTC mining technologies.

As the company continues to grow, it plans to further improve its governance model and increase community participation. This roadmap shows that Green Mining DAO is dedicated to making a significant impact in the bitcoin mining industry while promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.

Roadmap GM DAO.jpg

7.2 2022

7.3 2023